
Free planning training workshop

Planning Aid Wales will be delivering free planning training workshops in Cardiff, Torfaen and Merthyr Tydfil.  The workshops will introduce exciting changes to the planning process including:

  • Place Planning by local communities, and;


  • a new requirement on developers of larger schemes to consult with local communities before submitting planning applications.


The workshops are being offered in all Welsh planning authority areas with funding from Welsh Government.


For more information on our next workshop locations, please click hereBydd


Cynlluniwyd y gweithdy hwn i gynorthwyo cynghorwyr cymuned a thref i ddeall eu rôl mewn cynllunio. Bydd hefyd yn cyflwyno newidiadau cyffrous fydd yn digwydd dros y misoedd nesaf yn berthnasol i:


  • Cynllunio Cynefin gan gymunedau lleol ac;


  • amod bod datblygwyr cynlluniau mwy o faint yn ymgynghori â chymunedau lleol cyn cyflwyno eu ceisiadau cynllunio.


Cynigir y gweithdy hwn i bob ardal awdurdod cynllunio Cymreig, gyda chyllid gan Lywodraeth Cymru. Cymorth Cynllunio Cymru fydd yn cynnal y gweithdy, sydd wedi ei drefnu gyda chymorth gan eich awdurdod cynllunio lleol, Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Merthyr Tydful.



Planning Aid Wales will be delivering free planning training workshops in Cardiff, Torfaen and Merthyr Tydfil.  The workshops will introduce exciting changes to the planning process including:

  • Place Planning by local communities, and;
  • a new requirement on developers of larger schemes to consult with local communities before submitting planning applications.

The workshops are being offered in all Welsh planning authority areas with funding from Welsh Government.

For more information on our next workshop locations, please click here

Understanding Environmental Impact Assessments

Planning Aid Wales hosted a successful training event on Thursday 23rd October at the AECOM offices in Cardiff. Over 30 planners attendended the event.

Catherine Anderson, EIA Associate Director at AECOM, explained the Environmental Impact Assessment process with useful information and tips and provided an update on current issues in the sector.

Planning Aid Wales volunteer Clare Taylor (of MWH Global) then gave an insight into her 20 years’ practical experience of delivering EIAs, with a focus on implications for communities.


A copy of the presentations from the event are available below.



Information on future training event hosted by Planning Aid Wales can be seen below:

  • Facilitation in Planning at Cardiff University, afternoon of 26th January 2015. An in-house train-the-trainer style event for volunteers.


  • PAW Volunteer skill-sharing conference at City and County of Swansea offices, afternoon of 19th March 2015.


  • Planning Law and Policy update at Acuity Legal’s offices in Cardiff, 23rd April 2015. The event will be sponsored and delivered by Acuity Legal

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