Updated guidance publications
Planning Aid Wales has now published up-to-date versions of the following guidance publications:
‘What to do when faced with a planning application in Wales’ provides information on how to find out about planning applications, and how to make effective and relevant consultation responses to the local planning authority. The booklet is designed for people who want to support or object to a planning application in their area.
‘A guide to planning enforcement in Wales’ gives an overview of enforcement practices and procedures in Wales. It also advises on how to prepare for an enforcement appeal. The booklet is designed for people who want to appeal against enforcement action being taken by the local planning authority, and people who are concerned about a development that may not have the necessary planning permissions in place.
‘Seeing the light: Planning and rights to light in Wales’ provides an overview of the issues to do with light and overshadowing in the planning process in Wales. The booklet is designed for those people who are concerned that a new development proposal will have an unacceptable ‘overshadowing’ effect on their property, and for developers who want to make sure that their building will not lead to an unacceptable loss of light to neighbouring properties.
To access these documents click here.
Mae Cymorth Cynllunio Cymru bellach wedi cyhoeddi’ fersiynau diweddaraf o’r cyhoeddiadau canllaw canlynol:
Mae ‘Beth i’w wneud pan yn wynebu cais cynllunio yng Nghymru’ yn rhoi gwybodaeth ar sut i ddod o hyd i geisiadau cynllunio a sut i gyflwyno sylwadau effeithiol a pherthnasol i’r awdurdod cynllunio lleol. Dylunwiyd y llyfryn ar gyfer pobl sydd am gefnogi neu wrthwynebu cais cynllunio yn eu hardal.
Mae ‘Canllaw i’r cyhoedd ar orfodaeth cynllunio yng Nghymru’ yn rhoi arolwg o ymarferion a threfnweithiau gorfodaeth yng Nghymru. Mae hefyd yn rhoi cyngor ar sut i baratoi ar gyfer apêl gorfodaeth.Dyluniwyd y llyfryn ar gyfer pobl sydd am apelio yn erbyn gweithredu gorfodol gan yr awdurdod cynllunio lleol, ac hefyd pobl sy’n pryderu ynghylch datblygiad sydd efallai heb y caniatâd cynllunio angenrheidiol.
Mae ‘Gweld y goleuni: Cynllunio a hawl i olau yng Nghymru’ yn rhoi arolwg o’r materion sy’n ymwneud â goleuni a chysgodi yn y broses gynllunio yng Nghymru. Dyluniwyd y llyfryn ar gyfer pobl sy’n pryderu bod cais am ddatblygiad newydd yn mynd i gael effaith ‘cysgodol’ annerbyniol ar eu heiddo, ac mae hefyd ar gyfer datblygwyr sydd am sicrhau na fydd eu hadeilad yn achosi colli golau i eiddo cyfagos ar radd annerbyniol.
I weld y dogfennau cliciwch yma.