Review of the planning applications process in Wales
As part of a comprehensive review of the operation of the planning application process in Wales, the Welsh Assembly Government has commissioned a research study which is examining distinctive Welsh issues and concerns arising from the planning application process. Planning Aid Wales took part in one of the focus groups organised as part of the research. It contributed the perspective of lay users of the system to the discussion, based on our clients’ experiences.
The Planning Aid Wales team has also submitted a written summary of its thoughts on the focus group questions, which you can read here.
The report of the research study will be available to download from the GVA Grimley from Monday 8th of March. Publication of the report will be followed by a four week consultation period and details of how to submit comments will also appear on the website. The consultation period will close on Thursday 8th April.
Fel rhan o adolygiad cynhwysfawr o weithrediad y broses ceisiadau cynllunio yng Nghymru, mae Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru wedi comisiynu astudiaeth ymchwil sy’n archwilio’r materion a phryderon sy’n nodweddiadol Gymreig sy’n deillio o’r broses ceisiadau cynllunio. Cymerodd Cymorth Cynllunio Cymru ran yn un o’r grwpiau ffocws a drefnwyd fel rhan o’r ymchwil. Cyfrannodd Cymorth Cynllunio Cymru bersbectif defnyddwyr lleyg y system i’r drafodaeth, yn seiliedig ar brofiadau ein cleientiaid.
Mae tîm Cymorth Cynllunio Cymru hefyd wedi cyflwyno crynodeb ysgrifenedig o’i ymatebion i’r cwestiynau grwpiau ffocws a welir yma.
Bydd adroddiad yr astudiaeth ar gael i’w lawrlwytho o wefan GVA o ddydd Llun 8 Mawrth. Yn dilyn cyhoeddiad yr adroddiad bydd pedair wythnos o ymgynghoriad, a fydd yn dod i ben ar 8 Ebrill 2010. Bydd manylion o sut i gyflwyno sylwadau hefyd yn ymddangos ar y wefan.