Community Engagement Services

Planning Aid Wales is an advocate of meaningful community engagement in planning.  Through our work, we seek to raise the knowledge and capacity of communities to engage, but not just in the activity at hand – we seek to enable people to effectively participate in planning activities on an ongoing basis.

We are available to support Local Planning Authorities on community engagement in the Local Development Plan process.

As an independent third party organisation, we have found time and again that communities are willing to engage with us, even where Local Planning Authorities have encountered barriers to engagement in the past. As part of our process, we encourage active collaboration between local planning authority staff and community groups, thereby building better relationships for future engagement. We take no view on any local policy or specific development; we only support individuals and communities to express their own views effectively.

Our community engagement services include:

  • Community engagement strategy development
  • Capacity & consensus building training workshops
  • Seldom heard groups engagement and youth engagement workshops
  • Place Plan support, including training and Place Plan development
  • Easy-read LDP documents
  • Awareness-raising support

For more information on our engagement support services, please contact us.

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