
Information about your local planning authority and LDP
Planning Aid Wales keep an up to date map showing progress on Local Development Plans for each local authority in Wales.

Making planning applications
Ten frequently asked questions about planning permission, development plans, objecting to planning permission and environmental impact assessment.

Building Regulations
Building Regulations apply in England & Wales and promote standards for most aspects of a building’s construction, energy efficiency in buildings, the needs of all people, including those with disabilities, in accessing and moving around buildings.
Author: Planning Portal
A householder’s planning guide to the installation of antennas (including satellite dishes)
This booklet gives details of the general planning permission which enables householders (subject to conditions and limitations) to install up to 2 satellite antennas on houses without needing to apply for specific planning permission.
Author: Welsh Government
Planning: developments that don’t need planning permission
Information booklet for ministers regarding permitted development.
Author: National Assembly for Wales
Guide for householders: what you need to know about the planning system
This booklet gives a simple guide to those aspects of the planning system which you are most likely to encounter. However, it is not an authoritative interpretation of the law.
Author: Welsh Government
Planning permission: a guide for businesses
This booklet is a guide to the planning system for businesses. It provides guidance on when planning permission is required, how to make a planning application, and what happens afterwards.
Author: Welsh Assembly Government
Domestic micro-generation permitted development: A guide for Householders
From 1 September 2009, Permitted Development Rights will be extended to allow a greater range of domestic microgeneration equipment to be installed without requiring planning permission, subject to specific criteria. This provides a guide for householders.
Author: Welsh Government
Guidance on Design and Access Statements
Guidance which describes what a design and access statement is and outlines when it is needed.
Author: Welsh Government
Land acquisition and compensation
Guidance upon the compulsory purchase act.
Author: Welsh Government
Outdoor advertisements and signs: a guide for advertisers
This guide aims to explain to those wanting to display an outdoor advertisement how the system of advertisement control works in England.
Author: Communities and Local Government
Call-in of planning applications
Information booklet for ministers regarding calling-in applications.
Author: National Assembly for Wales
Building Regulations: explanatory booklet
Provides an introduction to the Building Regulations in England and Wales only and is intended for anyone proposing to carry out building projects. It is not a statement of the law but is intended to help you to understand the system.
Author: Communities and Local Government

Planning Portal: applications page
The Planning Portal is the UK Government’s online planning and building regulations resource for England and Wales.
Author: Planning Portal

RTPI Directory of planning consultants
The RTPI Directory of Planning Consultants is the main source of information on consultancy firms providing the services of chartered town planning professionals. The online site can be used to search on skills, location and other data.

RTPI guide on planning consultants
The RTPI Directory of Planning Consultants is the main source of information on consultancy firms providing the services of chartered town planning professionals. The online site can be used to search on skills, location and other data.
Author: RTPI

RTPI Code of Conduct
All members of the RTPI are bound by a Code of Professional Conduct which applies to all of their professional activities.
Author: RTPI

CADW is the historic environment service of the Welsh Government.

Listed building consent
Information regarding listed building consent.
Author: CADW
Converting historic farm buildings in Wales: a good practice guide
CADW has produced a number of publications to help owners and occupiers care for their property in the best possible way. They explain the significance of different types of historic buildings and ancient monuments and suggest ways in which they can be managed and maintained to ensure their protection for the benefit of future generations.
Author: Welsh Government and CADW

Land registry
Land Registry is the government department responsible to the Lord Chancellor. It is responsible for keeping and maintaining the Land Register of England and Wales.

Planning Inspectorate Wales
The main work of the Planning Inspectorate is the processing of planning and enforcement appeals and holding examinations into local plans and community infrastructure levy charging schedules. The Inspectorate also deals with a wide variety of other planning related casework including listed building consent appeals, advertisement appeals, and reporting on planning applications called in for decision by the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG), or, in Wales, The Welsh Government.

The Planning Inspectorate
Appeals for England and Wales are dealt with by the Planning Inspectorate.
Author: the Planning Portal

Welsh Government Planning Division
The Welsh Government is responsible for developing and implementing the planning system in Wales.

Welsh Government consultations
Having your say on what’s happening in Wales.

Planning Policy Wales
This is supplemented by 21 topic based Technical Advice Notes (TANs). Procedural guidance is given in Welsh Office This document contains current land use planning policy for Wales. It provides the policy framework for the effective preparation of local planning authorities’ development plans.
Author: Welsh Government
Wales Spatial Plan
It sets out cross-cutting national spatial priorities. These provide the context for the application of national and regional policies for specific sectors, such as health, education, housing and the economy, reflecting the distinctive characteristics of different sub-regions of Wales and their cross-border relationships.
Author: Welsh Government
Technical Advice Notes
National planning policy and guidance. All Technical Advice Notes should be read in conjunction with Planning Policy Wales.
Author: Welsh Government
Minerals Planning Policy: Wales
Minerals Planning Policy Wales (MPPW) (2001) sets out the land use planning policy guidance of the National Assembly for Wales in relation to mineral extraction and related development in Wales, which includes all minerals and substances in, on or under land extracted either by underground or surface working.
Author: Welsh Government

Index of Planning Policy Guidance for Wales
Our land use planning policy guidance is set out in two core documents, “Planning Policy Wales” and “Minerals Planning Policy Wales”. These documents are supported by topic based Technical Advice Notes (Wales) (TANs). Circulars and Circular letters provide advice and guidance on specific topics.
Author: Welsh Government

National Assembly for Wales
Links to information about Assembly Members for the Welsh Government.

Contact your Assembly Member
Assembly Members are elected by the people of Wales. They represent public interest as well as individuals living within the constituency or region in which he or she has been elected to serve a term of office.They have regular contact with the public through meetings, telephone calls or surgeries.

Guidance for Assembly Members on planning issues
Quick guide to the planning system for Assembly Members.
Author: National Assembly for Wales
Code of Conduct for Assembly Members
The purpose of this Code of Conduct is to provide guidance for all Members of the National Assembly on the standards of conduct expected of them in the discharge of their Assembly and public duties; and to provide the openness and accountability necessary to reinforce public confidence in the way in which Members of the National Assembly perform their Assembly and public duties.
Author: National Assembly for Wales

When to contact your Assembly Member
Everyone has the right to contact their local Assembly Member (AM) to discuss issues affecting them, but there are specific areas they can deal with that are covered by the 20 devolved subjects.
Author: National Assembly for Wales

Planning Aid Wales Local Development Plans map
Map showing Local Planning Authorities in Wales, with information about the progress of their LDPs.
Author: Planning Aid Wales
Planning your community: a guide to Local Development Plans
It sets out the Local Planning Authority’s proposals and policies for future development and use of land in its area.
Author: Welsh Government
Local Development Plan Manual
This Manual is a reference document, principally for practitioners involved with LDPs.Author: Welsh Government
Welsh Government information on Local Development Plans
The planning system should provide for an adequate and continuous supply of land to meet society’s needs in a way that is consistent with overall sustainability principles and objectives.
Author: Welsh Government

Planning Portal
The Planning Portal is the UK Government’s online planning and building regulations resource for England and Wales.
Author: Uk Government

Planning Aid Wales
This site provides information about the land use planning system in Wales. It explains how you can get involved in planning and where to find further help.
Planning Aid for Scotland
Planning Aid for Scotland (PAS) is an independent and impartial organisation, working to help people shape their communities and improve the way people engage with planning.
Planning Aid for London
Planning Aid for London (PAL) provides free, independent or affordable professional town planning advice to individuals and groups who do not have the means to pay professional planning fees.
Planning Aid England
Planning Aid England provides free, independent and professional planning advice to communities and individuals who cannot afford to pay professional fees.
Planning Portal
The Planning Portal is the UK Government’s online planning and building regulations resource for England and Wales.
Infrastructure Planning Commission
The Infrastructure Planning Commission is the independent body that examines applications for nationally significant infrastructure projects. These are the large projects that support the economy and vital public services, including railways, large wind farms, power stations, reservoirs, harbours, airports and sewage treatment works.
Find a solicitor
The Law Society database can help you find a solicitor, give advice on what to expect, and offer guidance on common legal problems and what to do if things go wrong.
Legal Aid services in England and Wales
The Legal Services Commission (LSC) works in partnership with solicitors and not-for-profit organisations to help over 2 million people each year access legal advice, information and help.
The Bar Pro Bono Unit
The Bar Pro Bono Unit provides free legal advice and representation for eligible clients and groups.
Directory of planning consultants
The RTPI Directory of Planning Consultants is the main source of information on consultancy firms providing the services of chartered town planning professionals.

Community Legal Advice
This link takes you to the ‘environment’ section of the Community Legal Advice a website offering free, confidential and independent legal advice for residents of England and Wales on Building Regulations. It is intended for anyone proposing to carry out building projects. It is not a statement of the law but is intended to help you to understand the system.

Planning Aid Wales publications
Planning Aid Wales has produced two general guidance handbooks which are available for sale, and a range of guidance booklets on specific aspects of the planning system.
Author: Planning Aid Wales
Planning Aid for Scotland Publications
Planning Aid for Scotland (PAS) has a series of information leaflets about different aspects of planning. These reflect the changes to the planning system introduced in 2009 and explain how you can get involved.
Author: Planning Aid for Scotland
Planning Aid for London publications
Planning Aid for London (PAL) publishes a range of leaflets and help guides to enable you to understand how the planning system works, how you can take part in it and any changes that you should be aware of. They are written in clear, easy-to-understand English.
Author: Planning Aid for London

Planning Aid England publications
Planning Aid England produces a wide range of publications on planning issues and topics.
Author: Planning Aid England

Public Services Ombudsman for Wales
The Public Services Ombudsman for Wales has legal powers to look into complaints about public services in Wales. The Ombudsman can also look into complaints that local authority members have broken their authority’s code of conduct. The Ombudsman is independent of all government bodies.
Welsh Local Government Association: Code of Conduct
The Local Government Association is a national representative body that promotes democratic and effective local government in the service and support of local communities. As such, it seeks to maintain the highest standards of conduct and integrity. It is equally important that elected members of the Association, through their individual conduct, maintain such standards.
Local Planning Authority
Click on the map or list below to find information about your local planning authority.

Welsh Government
A website which contains information on the 22 local authorities in Wales.

How to complain that a local authority member has broken the code of conduct
Guide about how to complain about a local authority which has broken their code of contact.
Author: Public services ombudsman for Wales
The Local Authorities (Model Code of Conduct) (Wales) Order 2008
The Local Authorities (Model Code of Conduct) (Wales) Order 2008 issued a new model Code of Conduct for Members and Co-opted Members of County/ County Borough Councils, Community and Town Councils, Fire and Rescue Authorities and National Park Authorities in Wales. The 2008 Order revoked and replaced the Model Code of Conduct introduced by the National Assembly for Wales in 2001.
Author: National Assembly for Wales

Publications from the Public Sevice Ombudsman for Wales
Guide regarding how to complain about a public body.
Author: Public services ombudsman for Wales

Gwynedd Facilitators Network
A voluntary organisation that promotes participative processes in Gwynedd.
One Voice Wales
An organisation that represents and provides support services to community and town councils in Wales.
Participation Cymru
Participation Cymru aims to provide a well organised, good quality service through expert advice and support, innovative training and networking and well resourced information and guidance.
Communities First
Communities First is the Welsh Assembly Government’s flagship programme to improve the living conditions and prospects of people in the most disadvantaged communities across Wales.
Community Development Cymru
Community Development Cymru is an umbrella body representing community development groups across Wales.

Federation of City Farms and Community Gardens
The Federation of City Farms & Community Gardens exists to support, represent and promote community-managed farms and gardens across the United Kingdom.

The Community Planning website
Growing numbers of residents are getting involved with professionals in shaping their local environment. This website is an essential starting point for everyone concerned. It provides easily accessible how-to-do-it best practice information of international scope and relevance.
Author: Community

Scottish Government: Community Planning
Community Planning is a process which helps public agencies to work together with the community to plan and deliver better services which make a real difference to people’s lives.Community Planning in Scotland aims to make sure people and communities are genuinely engaged in the decisions made on public services which affect them.
Author: Community Planning Scotland

The Tenant Participation Advisory Service (TPAS) Cymru
TPAS Cymru is the leading tenant participation organisation in Wales, working to promote and support effective, sustainable partnerships between tenants and social landlords.

Technical Advice Note (TAN) 1: Joint Housing Land Availability Studies
This note provides guidance on the preparation of Joint Housing Land Availability Studies (JHLAS).
Author: Welsh Government
Technical Advice Note (TAN) 2: Planning and Affordable Housing
Land use planning is one of the mechanisms that can be used to provide affordable housing. The purpose of this Technical Advice Note is to provide practical guidance on the role of the planning system in delivering such housing.
Author: Welsh Government

Delivering affordable housing using section 106 agreements: Practice Guidance
This Practice Guidance to Section 106 Agreements is a tool to support local planning authorities (LPAs) in delivering more affordable housing through the planning system.
Author: Welsh Government

the Federation of Small Businesses
The Federation of Small Businesses is the authoritative voice of small businesses in Wales and has close interaction with all decision makers throughout the country.

A guide for businesses
This booklet is a guide to the planning system for businesses. It provides guidance on when planning permission is required, how to make a planning application, and what happens afterwards.
Author: Welsh Government

Diverse CymruDiverse Cymru is an innovative new organisation in the Welsh Third Sector, created in recognition of the difficulties and discrimination faced by people experiencing inequality in Wales.

Diverse Cymru promotes equality for all and believes that the people of Wales can work together to challenge discrimination in all its forms and create an equitable future.

Equality and Human Rights Commission
The Equality and Human Rights Commission is an independent statutory body established to help eliminate discrimination, reduce inequality, protect human rights and to build good relations.
All Wales Ethnic Minority Association
AWEMA’s principal objective is to promote equality and diversity for the benefit of the public.

Race Equality First
Race Equality First is an independent charity and a race equality council. We work in Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan to promote race equality. We offer a range of services including free confidential advice & support to victims of racial discrimination/racial harassment. We also offer advice, training and information relating to equalities and diversity. Our membership includes representatives of community groups, voluntary and statutory organisations and individuals.

Equality Act
The Equality Act 2010 is the law which bans unfair treatment and helps achieve equal opportunities in the workplace and in wider society.
Author: the Home Office

Access Statement Guidance
This booklet gives advice on preparing just the Access element of Design and Access Statements, which have to be prepared to support most planning applications. It gives guidance on how the principles of inclusive design can be used to make sure new development will be accessible and that it can be used by everyone.
Author: Planning Aid Wales

Disability Wales
Disability Wales is the national association of disabled people’s organisations, striving to achieve the rights, equality and independence of disabled people in Wales.

Code of practice on access and mobility
An advisory code of practice reflecting current statutory requirements and best practice within the UK for the design of buildings, structures, highways and transportation.
Author: Accesscode is a joint project between Merseytravel; the five Merseyside Metropolitan Councils of Knowsley, Liverpool, St. Helens, Sefton, Wirral, Chester City Council

Design Commission for Wales
The Design Commission for Wales is one of four UK bodies established to champion good design and a high quality built environment.
Royal Society of Architects in Wales
The Royal Society of Architects in Wales/Cymdeithas Frenhinol Penseiri yng Nghymru (RSAW) is the voice of the RIBA in Wales.Covering a large geographical area from our base in Cardiff, we provide support for members through CPD and our two annual conferences.

Design Council Cabe
Architecture and design can improve our built environment and help create sustainable communities where people want and can afford to live. We support local communities to help them deliver and shape places and spaces that meet their needs.

There’s no place like home
The publication ‘No Place Like Home: A brief reminder of the principles of good urban design in housing layouts’ which is a brief, accessible aid to frontline decision makers in their assessment of residential schemes coming through the planning system.
Author: Design Commission for Wales.
Technical Advice Note (TAN) 12: Design
TAN 12 provides advice on good design: design process; design issues by topic; local planning authority design policy and advice and design and access statements.
Author: Welsh Government
Finding an architect
Advice on finding an architect.
Author: RIBA

Commissioning architecture
Advice on commissioning architects.
Author: RIBA

Countryside Council for Wales
The Countryside Council for Wales is the Welsh Assembly Government’s wildlife conservation authority.
Wales Environment Link
Wales Environment Link is the umbrella body for environmental and countryside non-governmental organisations in Wales.
Environmental Agency Wales
The principal aim of the Environmental Agency is to protect and improve the environment, and to promote sustainable development. They play a central role in delivering the environmental priorities of central government and the Welsh Assembly Government through their functions and roles.
Cynnal Cymru
Cynnal Cymru is a membership organisation that promotes sustainable development and raises awareness of good practice within Wales.
The Woodlands Trust Wales
The Woodlands Trust is an organisation which works to protect trees and woodlands in Wales.
The Campaign for Protection of Rural Wales (CPRW)
CPRW is a national charity which aims to secure the protection and enhancement of the diverse landscapes and environment of Wales.
Sustainable Development Commission for Wales
The Sustainable Development Commission for Wales is the UK Government’s independent watchdog on sustainable development.
Greenpeace Wales
Greenpeace is an environmental lobbying group.

Ecodyfi is the local regeneration organisation for the Dyfi Valley, in Mid Wales – a thriving bilingual community set in some of the UK’s most stunning scenery.

Improving your home: a climate change guide
This Climate Change Guide suggests projects and 20 measures that you can do to make these improvements help tackle climate change – from converting your loft to changing the lights.
Author: Welsh Government.
Planning for sustainable buildings
This leaflet provides a general introduction to the policy and the actions that developers and agents should take to implement the new policy.
Author: Welsh Government.

Environmental Impact Assessment
Public guidance produced by Friends of the Earth regarding Environmental Impact Assessments.
Author: Friends of the Earth

CADW is the Welsh Government’s historic environment service working for an accessible and well-protected historic environment for Wales.

Listed building consent
Information regarding listed building consent from CADW.
Author: Welsh Government and CADW

Converting historic farm buildings: a good practice guide
CADW has produced a number of publications to help owners and occupiers care for their property in the best possible way. They explain the significance of different types of historic buildings and ancient monuments and suggest ways in which they can be managed and maintained to ensure their protection for the benefit of future generations.Author: Welsh Government and CADW

Rights of way

Information upon the public rights of way system in Wales.
Author: Welsh Government

Rural Toolkit

Designed to help public authorities, local communities and professionals reach a balanced view about the sustainability of rural communities.
Author: Roger Tym & Partners and Rural Innovation

Rural Housing Enablers

The role of the Rural Housing Enabler is to work with rural communities providing independent advice and support, acting as a facilitator and helping them through the complicated process of providing affordable housing.
Author: Rural Housing Enabler

A farmer’s guide to the planning system

Guidance for farmers: this guide explains how the planning system works. It will help you to decide whether you need to put in a planning application for your project and how to go about it.
Author: ODPM and DEFRA

Welsh Government: environment and countryside

Encouraging sustainable development through adopting an environment strategy, the planning system and the sustainable management of landscapes.
Author: Welsh Government

Countryside Council for Wales: species protection
“Nature can look after itself – it’s been doing so for millions of years”But is this true anymore? The impact of man on our wildlife and habitats is such that many species now need the protection of the law if they are to survive and flourish.

Protected trees: a guide to tree preservation procedures
This leaflet is written for the benefit of tree owners, the general public and amenity groups and answers some of the most common questions about tree preservation procedures. It is for guidance only and is not a statement of the law.
Author: Welsh Government

Bats and the law
A basic introduction to the legal protection of bats in the British Isles.
Author: Bat Conservation Trust

Citizens Advice Bureau
The Citizens Advice Bureau offers free, independent, and confidential advice on issues such as debt, benefits, housing, legal matters, employment, and immigration.
The Bar Pro Bono Unit
The Bar Pro Bono Unit is a charity which helps to find pro bono (free) legal assistance from volunteer barristers.
Legal aid services in England and Wales

The Legal Services Commission (LSC) runs the legal aid scheme in England and Wales.The Legal Services Commission works in partnership with solicitors and not-for-profit organisations to provide information, advice and legal representation to people in need.

Community Legal Advice
Community Legal Advice (CLA) is a free and confidential advice service in England and Wales paid for by legal aid. If you are living on a low income or benefits, you may be eligible for free specialist advice from legal advisers on issues including: benefits and tax credits; debt, education; housing; employment; and family problems.

Cardiff University School of City and Regional Planning
The School of City and Regional Planning (CPLAN) strives to be a centre of excellence in research, teaching and policy and practice, associated with the planning and management of cities and regions.

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