
Helpline service closed over Christmas period

The Helpline service will be temporarily closing over the Christmas period, from Friday 25th December until morning of Monday 4th January 2016.

We will respond to any messages left during this period on Monday 4th January.

On behalf of all at Planning Aid Wales, we wish you a very Happy Christmas.

Bydd y gwasanaeth Llinell Gymorth ynghau dros dro dros gyfnod y Nadolig, o Ddydd Gwener Rhagfyr 25ain tan fore Llun Ionawr 4ydd 2016.

Byddwn yn ymateb i unrhyw negeseuon a ddaw yn ystod y cyfnod hwn, ar Ddydd Llun Ionawr 4ydd.

Ar ran pawb yn Cymorth Cynllunio Cymru, dymunwn Nadolig Llawen iawn i chi.

Vacancy: Engagement officer (planning authorities)

Are you passionate about creating more sustainable communities?   Do you want to be working in a small and energetic third sector organisation working to make the planning process accessible and relevant to local communities?  If you share our enthusiasm for positive change in planning, we want to hear from you.

We are looking for a highly motivated planner who can: provide knowledge and support network services which will generate change; co-ordinate delivery of an annual events programme, and; help develop our volunteer resource.


The closing date for applications is midday, Tuesday 5th January 2016.

For more information, please click here for an application pack:Ydych chi’n teimlo’n angerddol ynghylch creu cymunedau sy’n fwy cynaliadwy? Hoffech chi weithio mewn sefydliad bach ond egnïol yn y drydedd sector yn gweithio i wneud y broses gynllunio yn fwy hygyrch a pherthnasol i gymunedau lleol? Os ydych chi’n rhannu ein brwdfrydedd ni am newid cadarnhaol mewn cynllunio, rydym am glywed gennych.

Rydym yn chwilio am gynllunydd llawn ysgogiad a all: ddarparu gwybodaeth a gwasanaethau rhwydweithiau cefnogol a fydd yn creu newid; cydlynu dosbarthu rhaglen o ddigwyddiadau yn flynyddol; a helpu i ddabtlygu ein adnodd o wrifoddolwyr.


Dyddiad cau i geisiadau yw canol dydd, Dydd Mawrth, Ionawr 5ed 2016.

Am fwy o wybodaeth, cliciwch yma am becyn ymgeisio

Volunteer Forum: experiences and opportunities

Tuesday, 8th December – 5pm to 7pm


Planning Aid Wales is holding its very first Volunteer Forum meeting on the 8th December.  The event provides our volunteers with an opportunity to:


  • Meet other volunteers and share experiences
  • Hear about exciting changes ahead for Planning Aid Wales and future opportunities for volunteers


If you are a volunteer and would like to book a place, please contact Kay Sharman by clicking here.Dydd Mawrth, Rhagfyr 8fed – 5yp – 7yh


Mae Cymorth Cynllunio Cymru yn cynnal ei gyfarfod Fforwm Gwirfoddolwyr cyntaf un ar Ragfyr 8fed.  Bydd y digwyddiad yn rhoi cyfle i’r gwirfoddolwyr i:


  • Gyfarfod gwirfoddolwyr eraill ac i rannu profiadau
  • Glywed am y newidiadau cyffrous sydd ar y gweill yng Nghymorth Cynllunio Cymru a chyfleoedd yn y dyfodol i’r gwirfoddolwyr


Os ydych yn wirfoddolwr / wraig ac os hoffech archebu lle, cysylltwch â Kay Sharman trwy glicio yma

Free community engagement event

Monday, 22nd June 2015, 4pm – Glyndwr University, Wrexham


Planning Aid Wales are holding a free community engagement in planning event that will enable you to learn more about place planning for your community.   

The event will include presentations by those already making exemplary moves with place plans and follows Planning Aid Wales’ Annual General Meeting. 

 All are welcome to attend this free event – for more details please click here.

 Dydd Llun, Mehefin 22ain 2015, 4yp – Prifysgol Glyndwr, Wrecsam


Mae Cymorth Cynllunio Cymru yn cynnal digwyddiad am ddim ynghylch ymgysylltu’r gymuned â chynllunio a fydd yn eich galluogi i ddysgu mwy am gynllunio cynefin ar gyfer eich cymuned.

Bydd y digwyddiad yn cynnwys cyflwyniadau gan y rhai sydd eisoes yn symud ymlaen gydag esiamplau o gynllunio cynefin a bydd yn dilyn Cyfarfod Cyffredinol Blynyddol Cymorth Cynllunio Cymru.

Mae croeso i bawb i ddod i’r digwyddiad am ddim – am fwy o fanylion cliciwch yma.

Planning training workshops for communities in Wales

Planning Aid Wales will be delivering a series of planning training workshops for community and town councillors and other community representatives in each of the 25 local planning authority areas in Wales.

Commissioned by Welsh Government to support imminent changes to the planning system, the workshops will explain how planning works and the changes to be introduced by the Planning (Wales) Bill later this year.

Local authority planning officers will be on hand to explore how local communities can build stronger relationships with their planning authority. This includes preparation of ‘Place Plans’, which will have the status of supplementary planning guidance.

The workshops will be delivered over the next two or three months and are free to community and town councillors and other community representatives.

If you would like more information about these planning workshops, please contact click hereBydd Cymorth Cynllunio Cymru yn traddodi cyfres o weithdai hyfforddiant ar gynllunio i gynghorwyr cymuned a thref a chynrychiolwyr eraill y gymuned ym mhob un o’r 25 ardal awdurdod cynllunio yng Nghymru.

Yn dilyn comisiwn gan Lywodraeth Cymru, i gefnogi newidiadau sydd ar ddigwydd i’r system gynllunio, bydd y gweithdai yn esbonio sut mae cynllunio yn gweithio ynghyd â’r newidiadau sydd i’w cyflwyno gan y Bil Cynllunio (Cymru) nes ymlaen eleni.

Bydd swyddogion cynllunio awdurdodau lleol wrth law i esbonio sut y gall cymunedau lleol adeiladu perthynas gryfach gyda’u hawdurdod cynllunio. Mae hyn yn cynnwys paratoi ‘Cynlluniau Cynefin’ a fydd â statws canllaw cynllunio atodol.

Traddodir y gweithdai dros y ddau neu dri mis nesaf ac maent yn rhad ac am ddim i gynghorwyr cymuned a thref a chynrychiolwyr eraill y gymuned.

Os hoffech gael mwy o wybodaeth am y gweithdai cynllunio hyn, cliciwch yma.

Understanding Environmental Impact Assessments

Planning Aid Wales hosted a successful training event on Thursday 23rd October at the AECOM offices in Cardiff. Over 30 planners attendended the event.

Catherine Anderson, EIA Associate Director at AECOM, explained the Environmental Impact Assessment process with useful information and tips and provided an update on current issues in the sector.

Planning Aid Wales volunteer Clare Taylor (of MWH Global) then gave an insight into her 20 years’ practical experience of delivering EIAs, with a focus on implications for communities.

A copy of the presentations from the event are available below.

1. Community Involvement in EIA – Clare Taylor

2. EIA – Catherine Anderson

3. Ecological Checklist – AECOM

4.Positive Planning – Bill Update – Rosemary Thomas

Information on future training event hosted by Planning Aid Wales can be seen below:

  • Facilitation in Planning at Cardiff University, afternoon of 26th January 2015. An in-house train-the-trainer style event for volunteers.
  • PAW Volunteer skill-sharing conference at City and County of Swansea offices, afternoon of 19th March 2015.
  • Planning Law and Policy update at Acuity Legal’s offices in Cardiff, 23rd April 2015. The event will be sponsored and delivered by Acuity Legal

Exploring Community Planning

With big changes ahead for the planning system in Wales, this half-day seminar will explore hoUntitledw community planning can benefit communities and the planning profession.

Bringing together community councils and planners, it will be an opportunity to share experiences, develop understanding and identify good practice.

To book your place at the event, please contact Kay Sharman on 02920 625009 or email [email protected]

For more information, see the advertisement below.

Acrobat-IconExploring Community Planning AdvertisementGan fod newidiadau mawr ar y gorwel ynghylch y system gynllunio yng Nghymru, bydd y seminar hUntitled welshanner diwrnod hwn yn archwilio sut y gall cynllunio cymunedol elwa cymunedau a’r proffesiwn cynllunio.

Gan ddod â chynghorau cymuned a chynllunwyr at ei gilydd, bydd yn gyfle i rannu profiadau, datblygu dealltwriaeth ac adnabod ymarfer da.

I archebu lle yn y seminar, cysylltwch â Kay Sharman ar 02920 625009 neu ebostiwch [email protected]

Am fwy o wybodaeth, ymwelwch cyhoeddiad isod.

Acrobat-IconArchwilio Cynllunio Cymunedol – Cyhoeddiad

Helping communities engage with Plan-making: video now available

Planning Aid Wales has recently worked with its volunteers and directors to put together a video to help people understand the examination process of a Local Development Plan. 


The video presents a mock scenario of a Local Development Plan examination.  It will help you to gain an understanding of what to expect at an examination and provides examples of common mistakes for you to avoid.


To watch the video: 

Mae Cymorth Cynllunio Cymru wedi gweithio’n ddiweddar gyda’i wirfoddolwyr a chyfarwyddwyr i roi fideo at ei gilydd a fyddai’n helpu pobl i ddeall proses arholi Cynllun Datblygu Lleol.

Mae’r fideo’n cyflwyno senario ffug o arholiad Cynllun Datblygu Lleol sydd nid yn unig yn eich galluogi i gael dealltwriaeth o beth i’w ddisgwyl mewn arholiad ond hefyd, sy’n darparu enghreifftiau o gamgymeriadau cyffredin i chi eu hosgoi.

I wylio’r fideo:

Making your case at planning committee fact sheet now available

Planning Aid Wales has developed a free fact sheet to help those looking to speak at planning committee meetings.

The fact sheet is full of useful tips on how to prepare and present your case.

To download the fact sheet, please visit our publications pageMae Cymorth Cynllunio Cymru wedi datblygu ffeithlen am ddim i helpu’r rhai sy’n gobeithio siarad mewn cyfarfod pwyllgor cynllunio.

Mae’r ffeithlen yn llawn o syniadau defnyddiol ar sut i baratoi a chyflwyno eich cais.

I lawrlwytho’r ffeithlen, ewch i’n tudalen ‘cyhoeddiadau’.

Message from RTPI President Cath Ranson

Planning Aid Wales has received the following message from Cath Ranson, President of the Royal Town Planning Institute:

Congratulations to Planning Aid Wales on another successful year, if in challenging times.

I’m extremely impressed by the work that Planning Aid Wales does, both as officers and volunteers and I’m proud of the long standing association between RTPI members and Planning Aid in delivering services to the community.

The voluntary effort put in, in many cases over many years, is impressive and makes a real difference, out where it counts, in the community.

It’s great that Planning Aid Wales is informing Planners and those active in the community about Place making.

Best wishes for the year ahead.Mae Cymorth Cynllunio cymru wedi derbyn y neges ganlynol oddi wrth Cath Ranson, Llywydd y Sefydliad Cynllunio Trefol Brenhinol:

Llongyfarchiadau i Cymorth Cynllunio Cymru ar flwyddyn lwyddiannus arall serch yr hinsawdd heriol.

Rwy’n llawn edmygedd o’r gwaith y gwna Cymorth Cynllunio Cymru, fel swyddogoion ac fel gwirfoddolwyr ac rwy’n falch o’r cysylltiad hir rhwng aelodau RTPI a Chymorth Cynllunio yn dosbarthu gwasanaethau i’r gymuned.

Mae ymdrech y gwirfoddolwyr, mewn llawer achos, dros nifer o flynyddoedd, yn drawiadol ac yn gwneud gwahaniaeth go iawn, ble mae’n cyfri, yn y gymuned.

Mae’n wych bod Cymorth Cynllunio Cymru yn hysbysu Cynllunwyr a’r rhai sy’n weithgar yn y gymuned ynghylch Creu Cynefin

Dymuniadau gorau am y flwyddyn sydd i ddod.