Helping communities engage with Plan-making: video now available
Planning Aid Wales has recently worked with its volunteers and directors to put together a video to help people understand the examination process of a Local Development Plan.
The video presents a mock scenario of a Local Development Plan examination. It will help you to gain an understanding of what to expect at an examination and provides examples of common mistakes for you to avoid.
To watch the video:
Mae Cymorth Cynllunio Cymru wedi gweithio’n ddiweddar gyda’i wirfoddolwyr a chyfarwyddwyr i roi fideo at ei gilydd a fyddai’n helpu pobl i ddeall proses arholi Cynllun Datblygu Lleol.
Mae’r fideo’n cyflwyno senario ffug o arholiad Cynllun Datblygu Lleol sydd nid yn unig yn eich galluogi i gael dealltwriaeth o beth i’w ddisgwyl mewn arholiad ond hefyd, sy’n darparu enghreifftiau o gamgymeriadau cyffredin i chi eu hosgoi.
I wylio’r fideo: