Newport rLDP Engagement 2022

NEWPORT LDP ENGAGEMENT – January to March 2022

Planning Aid Wales has been commissioned by Newport City Council (NCC) to support the engagement activity in relation to the Newport CC Replacement LDP. The first stage Vision, Issues and Objectives was carried out in early 2022.

Planning Aid Wales delivered 10 community and stakeholder engagement events in accordance with NCC’s LDP Delivery Agreement. The events were targeted at stakeholders and communities operating within the Newport City Council area. Due to Covid-19 regulations and uncertainties surrounding this issues a mixture of online and face to face events were carried out.

Our role was to provide an analysis and understanding of the Vision, Issues and Objectives.  We attended and led all events as facilitators for discussions and to encourage understanding of the LDP process and the VIO consultation. The broad purpose of the events was to raise awareness and encourage responses to the VIO consultation by the March deadline.

Planning Aid Wales prepared a report on the issues and comments raised by attendees at each event and submitted to the Council as part of their consultation process.

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