How can Planning address Flood Risk to Communities?

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Flooding can have major consequences for communities, affecting homes, workplaces and wider services. It can happen at any time of the year and often without significant warning. These floods may happen more often and be more severe as a result of climate change.

The history of development in Wales, partly driven by its geography, has meant significant areas of development in areas which may be subject to flood events, although such issues are not confined to these areas.

Issues can arise due to coastal flooding, river flooding or surface water flooding. Some flood risks, such as coastal flooding, can also lead to erosion and land instability.

Therefore, it is clear that the planning system has a major role to play in consideration of flood issues in relation to existing development and where new development occurs. At the same time as needing to address these flood issues, Wales is experiencing other pressures through the planning system such as the need for new homes, employment sites and community facilities. The planning system therefore has to address the potential conflicts in all these aims. There is also the need consider the links of these issues to The Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015.

Welsh Government recognises the importance of this issue and, in relation to planning and flooding, has published a revised Technical Advice Note to support policy in Planning Policy Wales. TAN 15 “Development, flooding and coastal erosion” was published in December 2021. However, a further consultation has been issued with further revisions to this guidance. The consultation is due to end on 17 April 2023.

The webinar will provide an overview of the issues relating to flood risk and planning and it’s impact upon local communities. The event will consider how local communities have sought to consider and address this issue. The speakers will provide an insight into the issue from a number of different perspectives will provide an insight into the issue from a number of different perspectives.

We are fortunate to welcome a range of knowledgeable speakers from Welsh Government, local authorities, community councils and national organisations who have significant experience and understanding of these issues and how they may be addressed across the whole of Wales.

Who is this event for?

• Community and Town Councils

• Community and voluntary groups and organisations

• Local Planning Authorities, Officers and Councillors

• Developers / agents

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